Migration guide from the 0.1 version to the 0.2 version

Mandatory breaking changes

Consequences of the switch from multi-languages to multi-contexts

  • The context configuration is done in a dedicated file (it’s not in config.php anymore). Two new keys contexts and sites exists now, in addition to locales
  • Every columns lang, lang_common_id, lang_is_main of the database have been renamed with context
  • The new context columns are now larger, from 5 to 25 characters
  • The Translatable behaviour has been renamed Twinnable
  • In the CRUD, the context notion has been replaced by environment, to prevent confusions (context_relation -> environment_relation, item_context -> item_environment)
  • Every associated variables have been renamed, too

Changes in the pages API

  • Model_Page->get_link() -> Model_Page->link()
  • Model_Page->get_href() -> Model_Page->url()
  • Model_Page::get_url() -> Tools_Url::page()
  • Deleted Model_Page::get_url_absolute()
  • Every methods now returns absolutes URLs

Changes in the events API

  • front.start now takes an array as argument, containing the url key

Procedure to follow

  • Create the contexts.config.php (based on the sample).
  • Change config.php and add the novius-os key (based on the sample).
  • Search _lang, replace it with _context (i.e. page_lang => page_context)
  • Search Nos\Model_, replace it with Nos\{{app}}\Model_ (i.e. Nos\Model_Page => Nos\Page\Model_Page, Nos\Model_Media => Nos\Media\Model_Media)
  • Search Translatable, replace it with Contextable
  • Search Model_Page->get_link(), replace it with Model_Page->link()
  • Search Model_Page->get_href(), replace it with Model_Page->url()
  • Search Model_Page::get_url(), replace it with Tools_Url::page()
  • Search Nos\Widget_Page_Selector, replace it with Nos\Page\Renderer_Selector
  • Search Nos\Widget_Media, replace it with Nos\Renderer_Media
  • Search Nos\Widget_, replace it with Nos\{{Renderer_Version}}

Changes in the applications


  • Launchers: the url key has been replaced by action (standard nosAction syntax)
  • Launchers: the icon64 key has been replaced by icon

return array(
    'launcher_name' => array(
        'url' => '{{your_url_here}}',

// Replace with

return array(
    'launcher_name' => array(
        'action' => array(
            'action' => 'nosTabs',
            'tab' => array(
                'url' => '{{your_url_here}}',
  • An application now proved a list of icons:

return array(
    'icons' => array(
        64 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/64/page.png',
        32 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/32/page.png',
        16 => 'static/apps/noviusos_page/img/16/page.png',
  • A launcher without icon will use the 64-icon from its application
  • A tab without iconUrl will use the 32-icon from its application
  • An enhancer without iconUrl will use the 16-icon from its application

CRUD configuration

  • widget was renamed to renderer

return array(
    'field_name' => array(
        'widget' => 'Nos\Widget_Media',
        'widget_options' => array(),

// À remplacer par :
return array(
    'field_name' => array(
        'renderer' => 'Nos\Renderer_Media',
        'renderer_options' => array(),

“Full” 0.2 migration

This section relies on the hypothetical existence of a lib_agenda application.


Models have a new common configuration file which contains: * a data_mapping * a list of actions

In appdesk.config.php :

  • Delete the selectedView and views keys (if you only have one view with no JS config file).

  • Spot the main model of your appdesk (it’s in the query.model key).

  • Create the associated config/common/{model_name}.config.php file
    • {{model_name}} relates to the name of the model, in lowercase and without the Model_ prefix (for instance, Model_Page becomes page)
    • Model_Page will relates to the config/common/page.config.php file


Pay attention to have 'hideContexts' => true, in your appdesk’s configuration if you items are not Contextable.

Data mapping

data_mapping is the merge of the dataset and appdesk.grid.columns keys.


 // Old code of appdesk.config.php
 return array(
     'query' => array(
         'model' => 'Lib\Agenda\Model_Event',
         'order_by' => array('evt_date_begin' => 'DESC'),
         'limit' => 20,
     // ...
     'dataset' => array(
         'id'            => 'evt_id',
         'title'         => 'evt_title',
         'periode'       => array(
             'search_column' => 'evt_date_begin',
             'dataType'      => 'datetime',
             'value'         => function ($object) {
                 // ...
     // ...
     'appdesk' => array(
         // ...
         'grid' => array(
             'urlJson' => 'admin/lib_agenda/appdesk/json',
             'columns' => array(
                 'id' => array(
                     'headerText' => __('Id'),
                     'dataKey' => 'id'
                 'title' => array(
                     'headerText' => __('Name'),
                     'dataKey' => 'title'
                 'periode' => array(
                     'headerText' => __('Dates'),
                     'dataKey' => 'periode'
                 'published' => array(
                     'headerText' => __('Status'),
                     'dataKey' => 'publication_status'
                 'actions' => array(
                     'actions' => array('update', 'delete'),
         // ...

 // New code in appdesk.config.php
 return array(
     'query' => array(
         'order_by' => array('evt_date_begin' => 'DESC'),
         'limit' => 20,
     // Tells what is the model, and wich 'common' file to load
     'model' => 'Lib\Agenda\Model_Event',
     // ...
     // MOVE / MERGE the 'dataset' key into
     // ...
     'appdesk' => array(
         // ...
         // MOVE / MERGE the 'grid' key into
         // ...

 // Code in the new 'event.config.php' file
 return array(
     // Merge of 'appdesk.dataset' and 'appdesk.grid.columns'
     'data_mapping' => array(
         'id' => array(
             'title' => __('Id'),
             'column' => 'evt_id'
         'title' => array(
             'title' => __('Name'),
             'column' => 'evt_title'
         'periode' => array(
             'title' => __('Dates'),
             'search_column' => 'evt_date_begin',
             'value'         => function ($object) {
                 // ...
         'published' => array(
             'title' => __('Status'),
             'method' => 'publication_status'

Some remarks: * headerText can be written title (easier to remember, used in the natives apps) * datakey can be written``column`` * value can still contain a callback function * method is a new option which execute a methid instand of retrieving a column


Actions of the main model (the one on the grid) must also be moved in the common file.


 // Old code of appdesk.config.php
 return array(
     // ...
     'appdesk' => array(
         // ...
         // MOVE the 'actions' key into 'config/common/{{model_name}}.config.php'
         'actions' => array(
             'edit' => array(
                 // ...
             'delete' => array(
                 // ...
         // ...
     // ...

 // new code in appdesk.config.php
 return array(
     // ...
     'appdesk' => array(
         // ...
         // The 'actions' key is not here anymore
         // ...
     // ...

 // New code in 'config/common/event.config.php'
 return array(
     'data_mapping' => array(
         // ...

     // Configuration array moved from 'appdesk.actions'
     'actions' => array(
         'Lib\Agenda\Model_Event.edit' => array(
             // ...
         'Lib\Agenda\Model_Event.delete' => array(
             // ...

From the moment the common file is used, the following generic actions appear: * add * edit (and not update !) * visualise (if appropriate, i.e. if the model has the Urlrenhancer behaviour) * delete * share (if appropriate)

In our lib_agenda application, Model_Event had an update action, which now appeas twice... (because we used the wrong name update instead of edit).

So, to fix it in our lib_agenda application, we need to: * rename update to edit * Delete the edit and delete keys, since we’re doing the default processing * It’s possible to keep only the keys we need to overwrite (to change the default texts for instance...)

Notes : * In the Novius OS version used, it was needed to prefix actions by the model name, it’s no longer necessary in the final version * {{controller_base_url}} can be used in action’s URLs. In the lib_agenda application, it’s replaced by lib_agenda/admin/agenda/ * A new targets keys allows to define where actions must appear (see comments).


// Example of placeholder {{controller_base_url}} + 'targets'
    'Lib\Agenda\Model_Event.edit' => array(
        'action' =>
            'action' => 'nosTabs',
            'tab' => array(
                'url' => "{{controller_base_url}}insert_update/{{id}}",
                'label' => __('Modifier'),
        'label' => __('Modifier'),
        'primary' => true,
        'icon' => 'pencil',
        // New key to define where this action appear
        'targets' => array(
            'grid' => true, // In the grid (in the last 'actions' column)
            'toolbar-grid' => true, // On the appdesk, in the toolbar (previously configured using 'appdesk.button')
            'toolbar-edit' => true, // On the item form (top-right corner)

The default configuration for the targets is like below: * grid : edit + visualise + delete * toolbar-grid : add * toolbar-edit : visualise + share + delete


For now, appdesk.appdesk.buttons is still defined, and has priority over the default configuration. Given we have 2 actions ‘Add an event’ and ‘Add a category’ from 2 different models, we can’t delete it (for now).

I18n and translations

Texts can be configured using the i18n key.

Please see the framework/config/common_i18n.config.php to get the list of possible keys.


return array(
    'i18n' => array(
        // Crud
        'notification item added' => __('And voilà! The page has been added.'),
        'notification item deleted' => __('The page has been deleted.'),

        // General errors
        'notification item does not exist anymore' => __('This page doesn’t exist any more. It has been deleted.'),
        'notification item not found' => __('We cannot find this page.'),

        // Blank slate
        'translate error parent not available in context' => __('We’re afraid this page cannot be added in {{context}} because its <a>parent</a> is not available in this context yet.'),
        'translate error parent not available in language' => __('We’re afraid this page cannot be added in {{language}} because its <a>parent</a> is not available in this language yet.'),

        // Deletion popup
        'deleting item title' => __('Deleting the page ‘{{title}}’'),

        # Delete action's labels
        'deleting button 1 item' => __('Yes, delete this page'),
        'deleting button N items' => __('Yes, delete these {{count}} pages'),

        '1 item' => __('1 page'),
        'N items' => __('{{count}} pages'),

        # Keep only if the model has the behaviour Contextable
        'deleting with N contexts' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{context_count}} contexts</strong>.'),
        'deleting with N languages' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{language_count}} languages</strong>.'),

        # Keep only if the model has the behaviours Contextable + Tree
        'deleting with N contexts and N children' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{context_count}} contexts</strong> and has <strong>{{children_count}} sub-pages</strong>.'),
        'deleting with N contexts and 1 child' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{context_count}} contexts</strong> and has <strong>one sub-page</strong>.'),
        'deleting with N languages and N children' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{language_count}} languages</strong> and has <strong>{{children_count}} sub-pages</strong>.'),
        'deleting with N languages and 1 child' => __('This page exists in <strong>{{language_count}} languages</strong> and has <strong>one sub-page</strong>.'),

        # Keep only if the model has the behaviour Tree
        'deleting with 1 child' => __('This page has <strong>1 sub-page</strong>.'),
        'deleting with N children' => __('This page has <strong>{{children_count}} sub-pages</strong>.'),


In the 0.1 version, the inspectors are configured in 3 different places: * The appdesk.appdesk.inspectors key * The inputs key * The inspector/{model}.config.php configuration file

In the 0.2 version, inputs must be moved into their corresponding inspector/{model}.config.php file.


 // Old code from appdesk.config.php
 return array(
     // ...
     'inputs' => array(
         // This input communicates with the filter for the category inspector
         // We move the key (evt_cat_id) into 'input.key' and the callback function into 'input.query'
         'evt_cat_id' => function($value, $query) {
             // ...
     // ...

// New code in config/controller/admin/inspector/category.config.php
return array(
    // ...
    'input' => array(
        'key' => 'evt_cat_id',
        'query' => function($value, $query) {
            // ...
    // ...

// Old code from appdesk.config.php
return array(
    // ...
    'appdesk' => array(
        'appdesk' => array(
            // ...
            'inspectors' => array(
                // This array must be moved in the configuration file of the inspector, under a new 'appdesk' key
                'startdate' => array(
                    'label' => __('Start date'),
                    'url' => 'admin/lib_agenda/inspector/date/list',
                    'inputName' => 'startdate',
                    'vertical' => true
                // ...
        // ...

Here, the inspector doesn’t have a configuration file yet, we need to create one:


// New file config/controller/admin/inspector/date.config.php
return array(
    'input' => array(
        'key' => 'evt_date_begin',
        // the 'qeury' keys is not needed, the date inspector will generate it automatically using the key

    // Old 'appdesk.appdesk.inspectors.startdate'
    'appdesk' => array(
        'label' => __('Start date'),

The idea is to encapsulate the appdesk.appdesk.inspectors.{{inspector_name}} array inside an appdesk key of the inspector’s configuration file.


// Old code from appdesk.config.php
return array(
    // ...
    'inputs' => array(
        // ...
        'evt_published' => function($value, $query) {
            // ...
    // ...
    'appdesk' => array(
        'appdesk' => array(
            // ...
            'inspectors' => array(
                'published' => array(
                    'vertical' => true,
                    'url' => 'admin/lib_agenda/inspector/published/list',
                    'inputName' => 'evt_published',
                    'grid' => array(
                        'columns' => array(
                            'title' => array(
                                'visible' => false,
                                'dataKey' => 'title',
                            'icon_title' => array(
                                'headerText' => __('Status'),
                                'dataKey' => 'icon_title',
                            'id' => array(
                                'visible' => false,
                                'dataKey' => 'id',
                // ...
            // ...
        // ...

The published inspector already has its configuration file. Let’s complete it with a new appdesk key:


 // New file config/controller/admin/inspector/date.config.php
 return array(
     'data' => array(
         // ...

     // Old 'appdesk.appdesk.inspectors.published'
     'input' => array(
         'key' => 'evt_published',
         'query' => function($value, $query) {
             // ...

     // Old 'input.evt_published'
     'appdesk' => array(
         'vertical' => true,
         'inputName' => 'evt_published',
         'url' => 'admin/lib_agenda/inspector/published/list',
         'grid' => array(
             'columns' => array(
                 'title' => array(
                     'visible' => false,
                     'dataKey' => 'title',
                 'icon_title' => array(
                     'headerText' => __('Status'),
                     'dataKey' => 'icon_title',
                 'id' => array(
                     'visible' => false,
                     'dataKey' => 'id',
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