Adding a field

We’ll start from an example to explain how it works.

Let’s add a Source field on blog posts, to allow us to fill in an external URL from where the original content was produced.

In the database

ALTER TABLE `nos_blog_post` ADD `post_source` VARCHAR(255);

In the model

2 choices:

  • Declare the new field in the model properties.
  • Activate the cache mechanism of models properties.

Declare the field

We’re going to listen the event on the model config file.


Event::register_function('config|noviusos_blog::model/post', function(&$config) {
    $config['properties']['post_source'] = array(
        'default' => null,
        'data_type' => 'varchar',
        'null' => false,

Activate the properties cache

  • Create the file local/config/config.php by copying local/config/config.php.sample (if necessary).

  • Uncomment the line (or create it) with the key cache_model_properties and set it to true:

    return array(
        'novius-os' => array(
            'cache_model_properties' => true,

When activated, all models properties will be cached in the directory local/cache/fuelphp/model_properties/. When a column is added and not declared, the first call to get() or set() for this column will fetch the schema from the DB and update the cached properties .

In the form

The addition / edition form of a blog post is defined in its CRUD configuration. To extend it, we’ll use an event!

In the local/bootstrap.php file (create it if necessary):


Event::register_function('config|noviusos_blog::controller/admin/post', function(&$config) {

    // Add a 'post_source' field (type 'text')
    $config['fields']['post_source'] = array(
        'label' => 'Source originale :',
        'form' => array(
            'type' => 'text',
            'placeholder' => 'http://',

    // Display the field inside the form
    // We create a new 'Source' expander in the right menu
    $config['layout']['menu']['Source'] = array('post_source');

The form now contains an additional editable field, as you can see below:

'source' field inside the blog post form

In the visualisation

For the view, let’s create the local/views/apps/noviusos_blognews/front/post/content.view.php file.


// Let's include the original file (it displays the content)
include APPPATH.'/applications/noviusos_blognews/views/front/post/content.view.php';

// And add the 'source' field right after
if (!empty($item->post_source)) {
    <p class="blognews_source">
        <?= __('Source:') ?>
        <a href="<?= htmlspecialchars($item->post_source) ?>">
            <?= htmlspecialchars($item->post_source) ?>
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